Today, Amherst Partners completed a brand new replacement websites for the Bigelow Chiropractic Group of Nashua NH. This project began with an emergency intervention to clean the original Bigelow Chiropractic website of malware. The original site had been banned by Google as a source of distributing malware to site visitors. We quickly replace the infected site with a basic temporary website to keep the URL active while we built the new replacement site. The new site is built on Joomla 3.x using the JSN Solid Pro template from JoomlaShine. The site is also protected by several security measures and it is backed up so that a full recovery can be performed if necessary.
Dr. Brian Bigelow has been practicing chiropractic for over twenty years now. He is always staying on the cutting edge of research findings and how that can help improve chiropractic outcomes. He utilizes modern high tech adjusting equipment (Arthrostim and Vibracussor) in addition to manual adjusting methods. He also incorporates light laser therapy, whole body vibration treatment and flexion distraction for chronic lower back conditions. He also encourages patients to improve their diets, start regular exercise programs and use the appropriate nutritional supplements for a very holistic approach to overall improved health.
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Site: Dave's Revelation - Visit This Site Now
The web site Mike developed for me is fantastic. I get comments all the time from friends and family asking who developed such a great site.