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Amherst Partners Now Offers Backup Services

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Get a FREE Backup Server installed on-site at your location!

Performing regular periodic backups of your critical data is probably one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself against disaster. It is also an activity that is commonly overlooked, postponed, or simply ignored. There are also cases where a backup procedure and capability is in place but not operating correctly due to oversight or lack of time.

Amherst Partners is pleased to announce that we are partnering with Carroll-Net, Inc. to offer their Healthy Server backup solution. This service is not limited to our existing clients. Anyone can take advantage of this service.

Carroll-Net has been in the Disaster Protection Business since 1994. Since that time their customers were exposed to, but protected from the following high profile disasters:
  • 1999 - Hurricane Floyd
  • 2003 - Northeast Blackout
  • 2008 - Hurricane Ike
  • 2001 - September 11th
  • 2005 - Hurricane Katrina

Carroll-Net offers unparalleled local and remote backup. Each customer receives a Free Backup Server. Every day, each customer gets a Three Way Backup; Backup On-site, Backup Off-site and Backup to Archive. And Carroll-Net will make sure it works simply and dependably.

Here's how it works Carroll-Net will do the backing up of your data files nightly at your site and at their data center, they then archive the back-up. Should your server crash or you need to restore files, your data will be available to you immediately from the Backup Server located in your office. Should the worst happen and you're prohibited access to your offices, you will have access to all of your data that is stored at the Carroll-Net Data Center within hours. And Carroll-Net will monitor your servers and Internet and notify you if they see any trouble.

For more information you can visit the Carroll-Net website at You are also welcome to call Carroll-Net direct at (888) 432-1638. And if you do call them please tell them you found them on the Amherst Partners website.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 09:47

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